Pastor John Timothy
Pastor John Timothy grew up in a Christian home in South India. A tragic event took place when John was 5 years old which caused him to turn away from God. He turned to gangs and a violent lifestyle. At the age of 17, his father sent him to North Central University in Minneapolis, MN. The day before he started college, John had a drowning experience in a backyard pool and was touched by Jesus in a powerful way. He gave his life completely to Jesus.
John continued his education at Luther W. Jr. New Theological College (NTC) in Dehra Dun, North India and graduated in February 2008. In July 2008, God called him to serve in Milwaukee as a youth pastor for almost 7 years, then moved to Revere MA and Served at Eagle Heights for 4 years before God called him back to Wisconsin to serve as the Senior Pastor at New Life Grafton. Pastor John has a lovely wife, Nicole, and they have four children: Ethan, Elysia and Kiera and Evalet.