“use strict”;
var positionImage = function positionImage(imageEl) {
var imageDimensions = imageEl.dataset.imageDimensions.split(‘x’);
var originalWidth = imageDimensions[0];
var originalHeight = imageDimensions[1];
var focalPoint = imageEl.dataset.imageFocalPoint.split(‘,’);
var focalPointX = focalPoint[0];
var focalPointY = focalPoint[1];
var parentNode = imageEl.parentNode;
var scale = function () {
var imageRatio = originalWidth / originalHeight;
var parentClientSize = {
height: parentNode.clientHeight,
width: parentNode.clientWidth
var parentRatio = parentClientSize.width / parentClientSize.height;
if (imageRatio > parentRatio) {
return parentClientSize.height / originalHeight;
return parentClientSize.width / originalWidth;
var getRelativeOffset = function getRelativeOffset() {
var targetWidth = Math.ceil(originalWidth * scale);
var targetHeight = Math.ceil(originalHeight * scale);
var parentDimensionWidth = parentNode.offsetWidth;
var parentDimensionHeight = parentNode.offsetHeight;
var overflowWidth = targetWidth – parentDimensionWidth;
var overflowHeight = targetHeight – parentDimensionHeight;
var valueX;
if (overflowWidth === 0) {
valueX = focalPointX;
} else {
valueX = Math.max(Math.min(targetWidth * focalPointX – parentDimensionWidth * 0.5, overflowWidth), 0) / overflowWidth;
var valueY;
if (overflowHeight === 0) {
valueY = focalPointY;
} else {
valueY = Math.max(Math.min(targetHeight * focalPointY – parentDimensionHeight * 0.5, overflowHeight), 0) / overflowHeight;
return {
valueX: valueX,
valueY: valueY
var relativeOffset = getRelativeOffset();
var valueX = relativeOffset.valueX;
var valueY = relativeOffset.valueY;
imageEl.style.objectPosition = “”.concat(valueX * 100, “% “).concat(valueY * 100, “%”);
New Life Legacy
A vibrant community of senior adults
Connect with us
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Dinner series groups
Join us for a time to connect with others over dinner. Whatever your stage of life, there is a group for you. There is an empty nesters group is for adults with grown children who are also working, and a group for retired adults. Meets in various peoples homes throughout the year.
Young at heart service
Whether you are looking for fellowship, encouragement, or to grow in your faith, join us for Young at Heart. We are designed for adults 55+ and include lunch.
Seniors breakfast
Seniors are invited to have breakfast and hang out with Pastor John at Flipside café at 9am the last Tuesday of the month. Join our group for retirees to stay up to date.
Monday night prayer
Join us for Monday night prayer. This is for all ages and stages of life. We will be praying for our leaders, city, and for God to touch the lives of the people in our community. We will be meeting in the sanctuary.